Round Lake

The Village of Round Lake is a small neighborhood made up of many Victorian houses like this one.
There are lots of wonderful gardens too.

When I got our of my car to take photos in this quiet and friendly place, a long haired gray house cat came out to welcome me.  It was like visiting a friend's house where the pets know you and look forward to saying 'Hi' and getting a nice scratch around the ears.

This is the amazing auditorium.

Wow, it is big.
I think I need to put pipe organ concert on my 'things to do next summer' list.

across the road is Round Lake itself
This is one of my favorite photos of the day. 
I was really fascinated with the green water plants in the blue water reflecting from the sky.  The greens and blues were almost tropical in the fall sunlight.  Then the lily pads were shimmering in and out of the same blue water.  Monet was on to something, there is something wonderful about water lilies.
another beach view

the classic Hudson River view of  'through the portal of nature'
(that phrasing was goofy enough, maybe I've been reading too many art history books)
the view
the painting of the day
the artistic adventure mobile awaiting my return
the snack stop
nice outdoor dining

a full book bag, a chai latte and a refueling snack
I'm enjoying a very blessed life!


  1. Nice post Laura, I think I like coffee plant the best! (nice watercolor too!) Matt

  2. Thanks, Matt! Along with being an outdoor painter, I get to be a local tour guide and restaurant reviewer.


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